8 Tips On How To Gradually Stop Eating Processed Foods


Makers this on is for you too. (Not just us makers though, everyone needs to take care of their body!) So many of us turned to crochet for a mental health. That’s only part of it though. Your gut health is one of the most important contributors to your mental health. What you eat plays a huge role in your gut and overall health.

We buy it out of convenience because we are on the run or because let’s be honest. Most of us would rather be crocheting than cooking. Some of us would rather do almost anything than cook.

That’s me for sure. I would rather be crocheting than cooking. Even if you don’t crochet I’m sure you have something you would rather be doing unless you love cooking.

However I’m not willing to sit here and get sicker over the years, because I wouldn’t take care of the body God gave me. If I end up at the doctor, the time at the doctor, & getting testing, going to the drug store are all times I could be crocheting as well (or doing anything else.) So I’d rather make some food. The more you eat real food the more your taste & cravings will change. You will be amazed at how you will start to notice how bad processed food taste and how much it resembles cardboard.

So I’m gonna share some of the tips I have learned over the years that have helped me ease into buying less junk.

  1. It’s a mindset. Try to avoid the commercials, don’t walk down those isles and definitely don’t go grocery shopping hungry. If I go in the store hungry that’s a for sure way of defeat for me. Follow some real food accounts on social media & pull those up and binge their content while you crochet or whatever your hobby is. This will inspire you and give you snack & meal ideas.
  2. I know you have heard this one but shop the outside isles more. With the exception of raw nuts & seeds go for more items on the outside isles.
  3. Choose at least one of your weekly family meals and replace every packaged or seed oil ingredient with clean ingredients. You can replace oils with coconut oil, avocado oil or olive oil. It’s best not to cook with olive oil, just use it in dips & dressings.
  4. Plan a day to make snacks and fill the fridge & pantry. The rest of the week you will have “fast food” and it taste so much better than fast food. One of our favorites is Cowboy Caviar.
  5. Find something sweet like dates and snack on dates and almonds or pecans.
  6. Get some raw honey & stevia & start replacing sugar in things with honey or stevia. I don’t like the powder stevia from the big stores it taste bitter.
  7. Get whole raw almonds so that you can keep soaked dried almonds on hand for quick snacks, to add to overnight oats (I get my oats from Azure Standard) and granola. I will go into how easy this is in another blog post.
  8. Learn to make kefir at home. It’s one of the easiest, fastest things you can make & turn into a high protein meal or snack.

As long as we keep buying the junk they will keep making it. When enough of us stop buying it they will have to make it healthier.

I think my favorite tip here & the one that can make the most impact the fastest is to switch out all the ingredients to one of your families favorite meals.

What was your favorite tip?

If you found any of these tips helpful comment below & share this post on your social.

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