5 Tips to Save Money During Hard Times


So many people are struggling right now. So I’m going to share 5 tips that helped me save money during hard times. These tips can help make cash available to get through this hard time. Depending on your past or current lifestyle, these tips may seem hard. However if you need to stop spending any extra at all. It is possible and you may be surprised at the places you are spending, when you actually don’t have to.

Don’t Eat Out: This is one of the hardest ones for so many people. If you are used to eating out every night or 3 to 4 times per week. Decrease it by half at first, then the next week try cutting it down to once per week. Then the next week try not eating out at all. It’s so much better for your health to eat at home and it can save you so much money. You don’t have to actually cook every single night either. Sandwiches are even better than eating out. You can cook a large meal and have left overs. If your family doesn’t prefer left overs, then when you cook hamburgers for example. Use the left over hamburger for chili, soup or a casserole the next day. If you’re not convinced I encourage you to add up a weeks worth of eating out for your family. Take that total and times it by 30 days to see how much you could save in one month. Now think what else you could use that amount of money for. Savings, pay off debt, vacation, or to just get by for now!

Cancel subscriptions: Especially the ones you may have forgotten about that you may not even be using any longer. You can use one streaming service, you shouldn’t have to pay for three. If you really need that money available, cancel all your streaming. Yes I said it! Yes you can survive without a streaming service! We did it for years!

Don’t buy name brand on everything: Mainly I’m referring to groceries here. I know there are usually a few things that are just not as good as the name brand. However, there are very few items that are not as good. For the most part you get more and it taste just as good and cost less.

Don’t buy unnecessary cleaning supplies: You can clean your entire house with Vinegar, Dawn, Bleach, Baking Soda & maybe 2 or 3 other products.

Order groceries online or don’t make unnecessary trips to the store: Staying out of the store especially with kids if possible has been a big money saver when it comes to those impulse buys that happen every time we enter a store.

There are so many other ways I save but I only wanted to list my top 5 for now. Comment below and share how you have saved during hard times. Did it make a huge difference for your family?